This week I had the privilege of working at the I Am Second Kansas City launch event at Union Station. Although I had my head buried in a script and was totally immersed in the tech I couldn’t help to hear the speakers. I found myself several times drawn into the raw emotion as person after person shared their life story. Each one “laid it on the table” for all to see and they did it because they had found a hope that transformed their lives. With all their heart, they wanted to give that hope away and if that meant getting “naked” in front of 1,000 people then it was worth it to them.
The speakers were vastly different. They were different ages; races, economic backgrounds and each struggled with a different issue. They all had an impact, but their individual stories reached different people in the audience. They were unique and so are you. The thing is we all have a story. Are you willing to tell it? I’m not asking you to “get naked” in front of 1,000 people, but what if your story could reach just one person. Would you be willing to “lay it on the table” to let God use your individual story to reach someone who struggles with the very thing you have overcome?
I once read something that has greatly impacted how I think about being transparent and real with people. “The enemy uses what is hidden against us (to torment with guilt and regret). The Lord uses what has been brought to light for His glory.” The testimony of a transformed life is an amazing tool. This doesn’t mean we have it all together and are now “perfect”, but people need to know that no matter where they are, no matter where they have come from there is a hope greater than themselves.
If you have been praying, “God use me, make my life count for something” would you consider a different prayer. Ask for opportunities to simply share your story. Ask for a “divine appointment” this week to affect just one person. If I know anything about you dear sister, it is that with all your heart you desire to give away the hope that transformed your life.
Bonnie you are a joy! Truly a loving, giving, beautiful woman of God! I was honored to have met you and LOVE your blog! Thank you for sharing. And thank you for recognizing the emotions tied to baring one's soul in front of so many strangers - and for knowing that it was all for Father God. I had two different women come up to me afterwards and tell me they shared a part of my story and they were inspired to give it to God to learn to forgive. It is a very liberating thing to let go of old baggage dragging down your spirit. I pray they both find a way to let go of theirs. After all, where we are going no baggae is needed! Blessings sweet sister...In Him, NaKina
ReplyDeleteBonnie, you are so special, and God has given you great gifts of humility, sincerity, beauty, vision, and writing! I want to be a part of this even if that means being naked in front of multiple thousands! Thank you for sharing, and I love your blog!