The challenge was made, the time was set, two sides would meet and it would be settled. At first an hour seemed like an eternity, but as time wore on and the fog of anger cleared I realized what lay ahead. Confrontation. I began to pace, thoughts flooded my mind, “Maybe I just should have taken the insult and kept my mouth shut?” “What if I loose?” “Will it end in further humiliation?” My heart beat wildly as fear set in. I began contemplating a way out…an escape. Then I thought, maybe the other guy is afraid too. Maybe he was looking for a way out and wouldn’t even show up. I would be off the hook with bragging rights to boot. I smiled as I imagined retelling the story “…in the end he was too scared to face me.” I went outside my spirit light with new hope. I stood on the hill of my front yard, hands on my hips expecting victory to be laid at my feet without a fight. My brothers came up and stood beside me and then they turned and said something unexpected “It’s time.” Before I knew it they had strapped a pair of boxing gloves on my hands and it was then that I saw him coming up the hill. “He’s here” my mind reeled, looking from the gloves to my opponent, it sunk in, this is really going to happen. The last thing I thought of as I stood face to face with my enemy was my father’s words “Remember who you are.” We began to circle, sizing each other up. Finally, the tension was too much; I took one leap forward and swung as hard as I could with my right hand. It was a clean gut shot. My opponent was on the ground hugging his stomach. One clearly placed hit and the fight was over. Victory was mine.
My one and only fight as an 11 year-old girl left me with some very clear life lessons. I was not a scrapper as a kid, but I have learned to become one as an adult. Let me explain. You are in a fight. Your opponent is not only real, but he is guaranteed to show up every time. There are no free passes and victory will not be laid at your feet without confrontation. Although your brothers may be standing beside you cheering you on it is your fight to win.
What are you fighting for? Hardly a day goes by that we are not confronted with something; lies, fear, doubt, finances, health or worldly expectations. We fight for the very ground we stand on, the foundations of who and what we believe in. We fight for the purposes that have been placed in our hearts. We fight to remain on the path and not let distractions or discouragement knock us down. Make no mistake the enemy is circling and sizing us up. In the midst of this chaos, however, there is a simple truth that the enemy knows and secretly hopes you don’t.
The last thing I remember my father saying is the same thing your Father is saying today. “Remember who you are.” You are not called to be harassed. You are not called to live in fear. You are not called to lose. The word is full of stories wherein God went before people and delivered victory, but they still had to fight for it. You have everything you need to be successful…you have Christ. He is the right hand, which has already been wielded at the enemy and with one clearly placed hit has taken him out. Stand on the hill, look your enemy in the eye and fight, for victory is yours.