As we get closer to Valentines Day, I can’t help but notice the comments of many who are feeling alone this year. I’m not just talking about being in a committed relationship. We can feel alone at work, alone at school, alone in a room full of relatives or friends. It’s not about who is standing next to us or is it?
The reality is, that even with the best of intentions people will eventually let us down. Parents do not always unconditionally love their children, friends are not always there to support us or walk out the tough times, and our spouse cannot possibly be everything we need. So where does that leave us? Actually, in a really good place. When we finally stop putting our expectations on others to fill that empty spot we are left with only one option and it’s the best one.
There is one who knows exactly how you feel because He listens to you. He watches you from the time you wake up in the morning until you lay your head back on the pillow at night. There is one who will go with you to work, school, family functions, and all the while; unconditionally love you, support you and walk out the tough times.
You are not lost, you are not alone and you are worth loving. Open the door to the best friend you will ever have.
Bonnie, I find this read so true. Just the other day I felt so alone dealing with moms illness and Albert's ability to get him self home. I felt like I was having an anxiety attack over the situations with both people I deeply care about. This voice came into my head and said "Stop it, everything will be okay!".. I seriously thought, was that the voice of the Holy Spirit or was that my own thoughts. As the day continued moms release from the hospital happened and Albert received good news which puts him closer to come home. With that said, I have prayed a lot over the past weeks and still felt empty, but after Sundays events...I know now God does walks with me however, there are days that I do feel alone even though I am not. Keep up the great work you do Bonnie and thanks.
ReplyDeleteThis is so good! I Love the focus here! Jesus died, not to give us favorable earthly circumstances, because circumstances cannot sustain any everlasting joy. He died to give us overwhelming joy independent of our earthly circumstances. You are right on with this! Keep preaching it, Bonnie!